Website Topic: Website Buttons

Basic Info about the website.

The Website's "Log-in","Dashboard" and "Queue" Button is unfortunately not working, which isn't a severe problem! But is a problem we need to fix!

Buttons that are functionable:

  • Invite Bot

  • Commands

Buttons that are not functionable:

  • Log In (auth-guild)

  • Dashboard

  • Queues

There are ways around this, and is an easy way to interact with alternatively while we sort out this problem!

When going to your general chat or bot command channel and typing: "T!play<musicsearch/musiclink> it'll come up with an embeded prompt sent through chat with buttons below, there is a link that says "See the Queue on the DASHBOARD Live!".

Click that underlined in bold blue link and it redirect you to the queue page where the "Whats playing" is there and the other things.

Warning!: The Queue page is a bit buggy due to some complications!

Last updated